
专著推荐 | 《认知和沟通干预:语言病理学家的神经科学应用》

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Cognitive and communication interventions

Neuroscience applications for speech-language pathologists.

本书书名:Cognitive and communication interventions: Neuroscience applications for speech-language pathologists.


出版社:Plural Publishing Inc

作者:Martha S. Burns
ISBN13: 978-1-63550-292-3



One of the most significant scientific developments in the past several decades for clinical therapeutic professionals working with neurodevelopmental and neurogenic disorders has been the emergence, in the late 1950s and early 1960s, of neuroscience as a distinct discipline (Cowan, Harter, & Kandel, 2000). Eric Kandel, who was awarded the 2000 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, noted that, “the emergence of neuroscience is but one of several examples . . . in which inspired rearrangements of scientific disciplines provided opportunities for novel interactions—interactions which substantially changed the perspective, the technical power, and the excitement of a field” (Kandel, 1982). The intent of this text is to explain and expand the broad ened neuroscience perspective within the speech-language community. Most in the profession of speech and language pathology have studied neuroanatomy or neurology, and some have specialized in neurogenic disorders in children and/or adults, but the field is very broad. Just a cursory overview of our specialty groups provides a glimpse of our professional diversity: fluency, swallowing, voice, alternate and augmentative communication, language, cultural and linguistic diversity, auditory processing disorders, sensorineural hearing loss, and orofacial disorders. Yet, one overriding facet of each of these areas is a wealth of contributions from the neuroscience through research community. From a neuroscience perspective, research focused on the “bilingual brain,” auditory processing system, brain organization of gestural versus oral language, neurogenic basis of fluency disorders, swallowing disorders, cochlear implant algorithms, and neurological comorbidity in orofacial disorders, we discover exciting new insights into our specialty fields. Speech, language, and hearing are, after all, core neurological capacities. Kandel’s (1982) observation, that the power of neuroscience research is that it is a shared component of all of our specialties, thereby provides all of us a powerful opportunity for intra- and interdisciplinary interaction and broadened perspectives. Take, for example, the newest neuroscience research on therapeutic effects on brain recovery after stroke. Even those who specialize in pediatric language learning, for example, and do not work with stroke, per se, can still benefit from the neuroscience research on mechanisms shown to drive neuroplastic recovery processes (i.e., how therapy changes the brain). Those specializing in speech and language disorders in pediatrics can also apply the new neurolinguistics research studies of aphasia or social and perceptual problems associated with right hemisphere lesions. Conversely, neuroscience research in pediatric disorders like apraxia of speech and autism spectrum disorders has led to increased understanding of the neurogenetic components of a range of cognitive and communication disorders like dyslexia in children as well as adult-onset speech and cognitive disorders associated with Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease, to name just a few. Through neuroscience, each of us, within our diverse specialties, can share a more unified perspect and revel in the power and the excitement associated with the new neuroscience research as it applies to speech-language pathology intervention

对于从事神经发育和神经源性疾病的临床治疗专业人员来说,过去几十年来最重要的科学发展之一是在 1950 年代末和 1960 年代初,神经科学作为一门独特学科的出现。毕竟,言语、语言和听力是核心神经能力。Kandel(1982)的观察表明,神经科学研究的力量在于它是我们所有专业的共同组成部分,从而为我们所有人提供了强大的机会,促进学科内和学科之间的互动以及拓宽的视野。以最新的神经科学研究为例,该研究对中风后大脑恢复的治疗效果。例如,即使是那些专门从事儿科语言学习并且本身不从事中风工作的人,仍然可以从神经科学研究中受益,该研究显示了驱动神经可塑性恢复过程的机制(即治疗如何改变大脑)。那些专门研究儿科言语语言障碍的人也可以应用新的神经语言学研究,研究失语症或与右半球病变相关的社会和感知问题。通过神经科学,我们每个人,在我们不同的专业领域,都可以分享一个更统一的观点,并陶醉于与新的神经科学研究相关的力量和兴奋,因为它适用于言语语言病理学干预。人脑是一个依赖经验的器官。因此,从新生儿发育的早期阶段到我们死亡的那一天,它都在不断变化。这就是我们的疗法如何有效地改变大脑功能的原因和方式。许多章节还提供了案例研究,以提供神经科学研究的实际应用示例。最后,新的神经科学研究支持在研究期间进行经过时间验证的测试过程,以提高记忆力和推理能力。为此,定期提供研究问题以供复习和小组讨论


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