
Call for Papers | CDRF 2022


DigitalFUTURES 2022

The 4th International Conference on Computational Design and Robotic Fabrication (CDRF 2022)

Hybrid Intelligence

25-26 June 2022

CAUP Tongji University + Online

About DigitalFUTURES

In 2011, DigitalFUTURES started out as an annual series of academic events, consisting of a conference, workshops and exhibition, hosted by the College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai. It has since expanded to become a year round global platform. However, the original series of events in Shanghai remains central to its mission. The aim of DigitalFUTURES is to encourage international collaboration and interaction, and to promote theoretical and scientific research into computational design, robotic fabrication, and other areas of architectural intelligence.

Conference Theme

What constitutes the head of the architect is neither its ‘consciousness' nor its ‘idea', but the tertiary retention that enables the heritage of circuits of transindividuation to which it is connected and which precede it as its preindividual milieu, supersaturated with potentials - which endows it with the power to dream and to realize its dreams.

----Bernard Stiegler, translated by Daniel Ross

The past 30 years has witnessed the myriad ways in which digital technology not only improves the dynamicity of communication between human and machine, but also provides entirely new directions for innovation and creation.

In the digitally structured process of architectural design and construction, machines are not limited to visualizations and realizations of the conceived form by architects, but involved directly in the creation process. The essence of creativity is no longer limited to the mere informational landscape of the human mind. With shared tools, libraries and procedures, it now includes an array of intelligent machines capable of extending human intentions outward, away from the individual, forming a hybrid intelligence. Architecture will become a collective endeavor, in which not only is architectural knowledge collectively produced,but also design intent can be formed by decentralized networks of creativities. The digital will be not so much about expanding methods of generating and fabricating architectural objects as it is concerned with cultivating a new context of understanding the central nature of design, creativity and even architecture itself.

Research Topics

As part of DigitalFUTURES 2022, the 4th International Conference on Computational Design and Robotic Fabrication (CDRF 2022) theme Hybrid Intelligence, is calling for abstract submissions. The focuses of the papers include, but not limited to, architecture theories, tools, methods and procedures in:

Computation and Formation

Simulation and Optimization

Data Acquisition and Prediction

Perception and Interaction

Materialization and Fabrication

Visit the following link for more information about the conference:


Submission Dates

Abstract Submission Date: 

10 January 2022

Abstract Acceptance Notification: 

30 January 2022

Full Paper Submission Date: 

15 March 2022

Full Paper Acceptance Notification: 

10 April 2022

Revised Full Paper Submission Date: 

01 May 2022

Submission Guidelines

The peer-review of the papers is carried out in two stages: abstract and full paper. All submissions must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference. Plagiarism (including self-plagiarism) is strongly prohibited. Paper originality will be checked for several times during the review process and before publication. All submissions will be refereed for quality, originality, and relevance by the Committee. 

Abstract:  600 words, including title, 3-5 keywords, 1-3 figures and key references.

Full paper:  3000-5000 words, including title, abstract, keywords, figures/tables/charts and references.

Format:  PDF file.


Submission Link:



The accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings of the 2022 DigitalFUTURES—The 4th International Conference on Computational Design and Robotic Fabrication (CDRF 2022) published by Springer. Within the accepted papers, the papers that are closely addressing the conference theme could be published (with proper revision and extension) in the second issue of the Architectural Intelligence journal in 2022.

Proceedings of the previous conferences

CDRF 2021


CDRF 2020


CDRF 2019


Local Venue

The conference will be held in College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai, China.


For details of DigitalFUTURES 2022 see:



For details of DigitalFUTURES International PhD Courses see: 



All questions about submissions should be emailed to 



内容提供 | DigitalFUTURES组委会 编辑  | GONG

FAB-UNION is aiming to create a global intelligent architecture design and construction platform. Supported by DigitalFUTURES, Shanghai Digital Architecture Fabrication Technology Center, and Institute of Digital Architecture, The Architectural Society of Shanghai China, we collaborate with global renowned scholars, architects, designers, enterprises and academic media in this field. We introduce our audiences to global intelligent design & construction news and design works to promote the development of architecture intelligence. FAB-UNION is a pioneering digital practitioners’ community.


