
DigitalFUTURES Talk: In search for an Architectural Identity

FabUnion DigitalFUTURES

DigitalFUTURES  系列讲座

2021年10月23日 10:00 pm

DigitalFUTURES Talk:

In search for an Architectural Identity

Reflections by Emerging Hybrid Indian Practices




到2025年,印度有望成为世界第三大经济体。 世界银行估计,未来十年,大约40%的印度人将迁往城市地区。 这种前所未有的增长为印度的城市未来创造了巨大的机遇。 世界一流的数字基础设施和尖端信息技术进一步推动了印度的增长,这是对13亿印度人的深度赋能。 印度实现可持续和全面增长的潜在轨迹面临着几个挑战,而不仅仅是气候变化。 未来的城市空间需要通过创造性的视角来看待,敦促可持续建筑环境的设计和交付的范式转变。 这是建筑师和设计师在印度背景下重新启动现有的独立后建筑/城市范式的合适时机,引领进入未探索的领域,改写印度的数字未来。  

In this d.r.a. Sponsored panel discussion we will ask architects, mathematicians and computation experts how and why they collaborate. The contemporary issues architecture is faced with today demand novel ways of tapping into efficient ways of making things and mathematics can offer many opportunities when we want to engage specific topics in geometry such as curved creases.

India is on course to be the third-largest economy by 2025. The World Bank estimates that approximately40% of Indians will be moving into urban areas in the next decade. This unprecedented growth creates immense opportunities for India's Urban Future. The country's growth has been further fuelled by world-class digital infrastructure and cutting-edge information technologies, empowering 1.3 billion Indians.

Several challenges face India's potential trajectory for sustainable and holistic growth, not limited to climate change. Urban spaces for the future will need to be looked at through a creative lens urging a paradigm shift in the design and delivery of sustainable built environments. This is the opportune time for architects &designers working within the Indian context to re-boot existing post-independence architectural/urban paradigms to lead the foray into unexplored terrain to rewrite India'sDigital Future.


Nuru Karim


Shreyas More

   ISDI School of Design & Innovation

Anokhi Shah


Ayaz Basrai

   The Busride Design Studio

Prasad Shetty

   SEA /  Bard studio

Rupali Gupte

   SEA /  Bard studio

Dhruv Jani

   Studio Oleomingus


内容提供 | DigitalFUTURES组委会 编辑  | Junguang Liu

FAB-UNION is the most advanced digital design and construction platform in China. Scholars, architects, designers, experts and relevant enterprises, institutions and academic groups of digital construction both inside and outside the United Nations pay attention to international digital design and construction news, recommend excellent digital programming and construction works, and promote the development of digital construction technology. Create social space for cutting-edge digital practitioners.


