
BAM 案例 | 未来之城——安徽省来安县

BAM BAM百安木 2022-01-13

▲  BAM 与华夏幸福合作研发出一个新的城市规划理念——将整个城市链接到一个网状公园体系中,并将之称为“超级绿道”。BAM+CFLD partner to develop a new urban planning idea called Super Green Road, which links an entire city into one park network.

▲  正在建设中的“超级绿道”,安徽省来安县。Super Green Road under construction in Lai’an, Anhui Province.

“超级绿道”是一种新型的开放空间理论,它将整个城市链接到一个网状公园体系中。为了避免出现大尺度规划会常常忽略的小细节问题,BAM 使用了分形的方法来发展“超级绿道”的概念,正如分形一样,超级绿道可运用于社区级别、小镇级别,甚至是整个城市级别。超级绿道通过强化以社区为基础的价值观,鼓励健康生活,并通过精妙的细节、以人为本的设计与居民紧密的连接在一起。

▲  “超级绿色之路”通过强化以社区为基础的价值观和健康的生活理念,为人们设计出一种更加互通的未来。在规划方案中,沿着“超级绿道”连接了超过 50 个公园。Super Green Road helps us design a more connected future with community-based values and healthy living. There are over 50 linked parks planned along Super Green Road, Lai’an.

Super Green Road is an open space theory which links an entire city into one park network. To transcend the problem of large-scale planning failing at a detail level, BAM developed Super Green Road as a fractal concept. As a fractal idea, Super Green Road operates at the community scale, town scale, and entire city level. Super Green Road encourages healthy living by reinforcing community-based values and connecting inhabitants through the sensation of detail and humanness.

▲  在标准的规划方案中,开放空间均匀的分布在城市中,没有体现连续性及特色性。而“超级绿道”把各个开放空间连结在一起,打造出一个不同尺度的“健身环路”,蕴含了绿化区域和多种在多样的功能区。“超级绿道”具有突出的特色和良好的细节。Standard planning distributes open space evenly throughout a city, without continuity or character. Super Green Road links open spaces into one multi-scalar “Fitness Loop” with planted zones and program variety. Super Green Road parks have outstanding character and fine detailing.


“模型城市”(Model City)帮助我们设计出一个更好的未来。“模型城市”是由中国具有大规模新城规划及丰富经验的领先开发商——华夏幸福(CFLD)所研发的一个理论性项目。BAM 和华夏幸福以“模型城市”为工具,对“超级绿道”概念进行研究和深化。

▲  BAM 和华夏幸福团队以“模型城市”的理论基础作为工具对”超级绿道”进行研究。BAM and CFLD teams study Super Green Road using the theoretical base of Model City as a tool.

▲  Peter Walker(加州,“9·11”纪念馆景观设计师),在 BAM 北京办公室为“超级绿道”概念提出建议。Peter Walker, Californian landscape architect of the 9/11 Memorial grounds, gives feedback on Super Green Road inside BAM’s Beijing office.

▲  安徽来安的新建场地。“超级绿道”作为理论性研究最终落地实现了……厉害了!继续往下翻,看看来安“超级绿道”的所有建成和规划过的阶段。Fresh site at Lai’an, Anhui Province. Super Green Road as a theory eventually becomes reality... WOW! Read on to view all built and planned phases of Super Green Road at Lai’an.


▲  H 分形空间填充曲线(左);超级绿道分形“项链”(右)。H-fractal space-filling curve (left); Super Green Road fractal “necklace” (right).

▲  超级绿道“项链”应用在“模型城市”中(左)。放大后,可见街道尺度的超级绿道(右)。Super Green Road "necklace" applied to Model City (left). Zooming in, we see Super Green Road at street scale (right).

▲  BAM 和华夏幸福共同创建理论性城市化体系:“超级绿道”。BAM and CFLD develop the theoretical urbanism system, Super Green Road.

▲  BAM 和华夏幸福合作研发的“超级绿道”部分区段平面图。Plan view of the BAM+CFLD-developed section of Super Green Road in Lai’an.

▲  区段 1,鸟瞰效果图。Plot 1, aerial rendering.

▲  区段 1,鸟瞰摄影。Plot 1, aerial photograph.

▲  区段 1,水景。Plot 1, waterfall feature.

▲  适合每个人的“躲猫猫”的游乐景观。Way-finding play feature for everyone.

▲  区段 2,鸟瞰效果图。Plot 2, aerial rendering.

▲  区段 2 平面图:从草图到建设的演变。Plot 2 plan view: evolution from sketch to construction.

▲  区段 2,“滑梯山”效果图。Plot 2, “Slide Hill” rendering.

▲  区段 2,“滑梯山”已建成。Plot 2, “Slide Hill” constructed.

▲  孩子们不断在“滑梯山”尝试各种玩法,玩的非常开心。Children have a blast socializing and experimenting with a Slide Hill Slide.

▲  在滑梯山的后面,探索到一个秘密通道…… Behind Slide Hill, discover a secret passage way with portals...

▲  BAM 为来安项目打造了充满个性的红色潜望镜,教孩子们如何看见视野之外的事物。BAM’s own custom iconic red Periscope for Lai’an, teaching kids how it’s possible to see things otherwise out of sight!

▲  区段 2 延伸:展示馆和镜面水池。Plot 2 continued: Showroom with reflection pool.

▲  展示馆外的水景细节。Showroom water feature detail.

▲  区段 3 彩色平面图。Plot 3 plan rendering.

▲  区段 3 特点是织物帐篷,它为露天剧场提供遮蔽,以草地和石头作为点缀。Plot 3 features a fabric tent which shades an amphitheater with grass and stone detailing.

▲  区段 4 鸟瞰效果图。Plot 4 aerial rendering.

▲  区段 4 游乐场。Plot 4 playground.

▲  区段 4 廊架和草坪。Plot 4 pergola and lawn.

▲  区段 5 活动区(见以上彩色平面图)有一个显著的特点:与整个“超级绿道”的系统目标相匹配——连接的公园网络体系,具有纪念、文化和生态意义。Striking characteristics of Plot 5 activity fields (plan render, above) align with the goals of the Super Green Road system: parks that are networked, memorable, cultural, and ecologically-minded.

▲  区段 5 具挑战性的健身场地地形。Plot 5’s topographically-challenging fitness fields.

▲  区段 6 彩色平面图。Plot 6 plan rendering.

▲  区段 6 足球场。Plot 6 soccer field.

▲  区段 7 鸟瞰效果图。Plot 7 aerial rendering.

▲  区段 7 游乐场区域。Plot 7 playground zone.

▲  区段 7 公园入口。Plot 7 park entrance.


BAM讲座 | BAM于UCCA举办“游乐场热潮”讲座

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