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Indirect Translation Explained


Indirect Translation Explained

作者:Hanna Pięta, Rita Bueno Maia, Ester Torres-Simón




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Indirect Translation Explained is the first comprehensive, user-friendly book on the practice of translating indirectly in today’s world. Unlike previous scholarly approaches, which have traditionally focused on translating from the original, this textbook offers practical advice on how to efficiently translate from an already translated text and for the specific purpose of further translation. Written by key specialists in this area of research and drawing on many years of translation teaching and practice, this process-focused textbook covers a range of languages, geographical settings and types of translation, including audiovisual, literary, news, and scientific-technical translation, as well as localization and interpreting. Since this topic addresses the concerns and practices of both more peripheral and more dominant languages, this textbook is usable by all, regardless of the language combinations they work with. Featuring theoretical considerations, tasks for hands-on practice, suggestions for further discussion and diverse, real-world examples, this is the essential textbook for all students and autodidacts learning how to translate via a third language.

Indirect translation creates particular challenges, be they ethical, technological, textual, etc. These challenges require specific competences. For example, to be efficient in translating indirectly, you need to be able to critically approach the use of mediating languages. You also need to know how to review your own work to ensure that previous translation mistakes do not reach the target text or identify potential translation difficulties that are likely to hinder the work of further translators (such as the presence of domesticated cultural items or displaced indexicality). Some time ago, several researchers and trainers stressed the importance of specific training in indirect translating. However, our recent survey of translation courses, trainers and coursebooks suggests that indirect translation is not as widely taught as it should be. Therefore, there is a shortage of training aids and guidelines for translators who need to translate from translation or with a further translation in mind. One reason behind this is that there is still a misconception among some that indirect translation is no longer practiced or is a deformation that can never be as good as a direct translation. With this textbook, we want to help break these misconceptions and address the urgent gap in translator education. This is why our focus is not on describing and analysing how people in the past translated indirectly. Rather, our focus is on encouraging reflection on how indirect translation is done today, on how it could be done, and on fostering discussion about potential challenges and solutions. With this, we hope to promote new and better ways of doing indirect translation today and in the foreseeable future. To this end, the textbook covers the ins and outs of the various settings where indirect translation is most likely to be commissioned, while discussing the most common pitfalls and guiding the trainee translators in their decision-making processes. Indirect Translation Explained is designed to introduce you to the knowledge and skills necessary to perform as an indirect translator. At the same time, the book offers tips and tools to build your own knowledge of indirect translation processes, providing the time and space for reflective learning. Against this backdrop, the textbook also provides insight for research into indirect translation.


Hanna Pięta is an assistant professor at Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (FCSH), Portugal, and a researcher at CETAPS (Translationality Research Group). She is co-coordinator of the international research network IndirecTrans and associate editor of the Translation Matters journal. She has recently co-edited a special issue of Target on what indirect translation can do for translation studies (2022) and is now co-editing a special issue of Perspectives on pivot audiovisual translation (2023). 

Rita Bueno Maia is Assistant Professor of Spanish and Translation in the School of Human Sciences at the Catholic University of Portugal and a member of the Research Centre for Communication and Culture. She has recently co-edited Indirect Translation: Theoretical, Terminological and Methodological Issues (Routledge, 2019). She is co-coordinator of the international research network IndirecTrans and has worked as a literary translator for the theatre. Ester Torres-Simón is an assistant professor at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spain. She is a researcher at GREGAL Research Group (at UAB), an external collaborator of the Research Group on Reception and Translation Studies (at the University of Lisbon, Portugal) and a member of the European Society for Translation Studies Wikipedia Committee. She has a keen interest in innovative teaching practices and has published about the topic in The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, the Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement and Perspectives, among others.



专著推荐 | Hermans(2022) Translation and History: A Textbook


学术研修 | 9月24-25日. 全国高校论文写作课程师资培训专题网络研修班



本文编辑:王峰 山东大学








