
预公告 | 梅林山-银湖山生态游憩廊桥方案设计国际竞赛

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Pre-announcement | International Competition of Conceptual Design for Meilin Mt.-Yinhu Mt. Eco Leisure Bridge

 1  项目概况 Project Overview


Against the backdrop of promoting its ecological civilization development and the “development of two areas (Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and Pilot Demonstration Area of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics)”, Shenzhen has included the Mountain-Sea-City Integration Plan into the Report on the Work of Shenzhen Municipal Government in 2020 and the city’s 14th Five-year Plan, and integrated it into the planning system specified in the State Land and Space Planning of Shenzhen (2020-2035). By integrating all natural resource elements of “mountain, sea, forest, farmland, grassland and wetland”, the Plan aims to build an ecological spatial structure featuring “one ridge, one belt and twenty corridors”, and establish a city-wide ecological and leisure network that connects mountains, sea, city and fun places. Specifically, the Meilin Mt.-Yinhu Mt. Eco Leisure Bridge is planned as an important node for linking up the ecological veins from east to west and creating a “continuous, complete and systematic” ecological spatial pattern, a key passage of the 1,000 km country trails extending from east to west, and a project demonstrating the harmonious coexistence of man and nature for the implementation of Mountain-Sea-City Integration Plan. 


Spanning over the Meilin-Guanlan Road, Meilin Mt.-Yinhu Mt. Eco Leisure Bridge serves as the north gate to showcase the image of Futian District. Therefore, the bridge should not only be designed with the ecological function to connect the mountains inhabited by wild animals and plants, but also create ideal places for trekking and ecological education of citizens. When viewed from a distance, the bridge appears more than an eco-bridge; instead, it is also a piece of architecture or sculpture, or a part of the landscape. Therefore, innovative connections are required to show harmonious relationship among animals, plants and human comprehensively from different perspectives. The design scheme should show respect for the ecological connection, historical context and genius loci, meanwhile take into account the multidisciplinary integration of architecture, landscape, art and structure. Upon completion, the bridge will serve as a demonstration project of the city in creating key nodes of ecological veins and an important urban landmark for implementing the concept of ecological civilization construction in the new era.


Meilin Mt.-Yinhu Mt. Eco Leisure Bridge is planned to span about 100-150 m (to be finalized after further study and design) over Meilin-Guanlan Road to connect Meilin Mt. and Yinhu Mt.. The recommended location is shown in figure below, while it can be adjusted by design teams based on their full analysis of the site conditions.

图 项目位置示意  Fig. Project Location

2  设计内容 Design Contents


The Competition solicits design proposals for Meilin Mt. - Yinhu Mt. Eco Leisure Bridge, including urban design and ecological studies within the area, and the project construction involves specialties of architecture, bridge, ecological conservation, landscape, and planning. 

3  报名要求 Registration Requirements


The Competition sets no threshold in qualification. All local and international design teams with relevant design experience are eligible for the registration. Registration in the form of design consortium is allowed, while that by individuals or teams of individuals will not be accepted.

4  竞赛规则 Work Rules




Design team selection stage: September 2022 - October, 2022

Conceptual design stage: October, 2022 – November, 2022

*The timetable above is tentative and the actual arrangement is subject to the subsequent Announcement of the Competition.

5  预报名登记 Pre-registration


The Announcement will be released soon. Local and international design teams (consortia) are welcome to make a pre-registration with us. Interested parties may scan the QR code or click https://jinshuju.net/f/SSoNc1 to fill in the pre-registration information, and we will send a notice to you once the Announcement is released.

6  联系方式 Contact






Host: Futian Administration of Planning and Natural Resources Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality 

Co-organizer: Futian Administration of Urban Administration and Law Enforcement Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality

Contact: Mr. Pang

Telephone: +86 0755-83138612

Email: ftglj@pnr.sz.gov.cn


