
宁波 绿城.凤起潮鸣 大区 | 重塑 融合

INTO&YIHE 景观设计小学徒 2023-09-06

    Yihe Landscape Architecture was commissioned by Greentown China to design thePhoenix Mansion residential and the northside commercial projects in Ningbo, itis a mixed-use community with luxury residences. The market positioning of thisproject is corresponded to the international aesthetic taste, city spirit, andaesthetics of life of Ningbo, it is also aimed at activating social interactionin the community.

Site Information
       The project is located in Ningbo East New Town,adjacent to Ningbo municipal government. The site is close to the eco-corridorin the east, the convention and exhibition center in the west, it is alsosurrounded by multiple public landscapes, sports, cultural and recreationfacilities. There are several city arterial roads connected to the site, HaiyanNorth Road station and Fuqing North Road Station of Metro Line No.1 are alsonearby. All the transportation advantages make the potential of site developmenteven greater.

       我们对于这样一个放眼国际视野的项目,摒弃单从构图、造景的常规手法,提出了一个全新契合凤起潮鸣项目定位的设计理念,“remade | FUSION”、”重塑 | 融合”为设计理念等等,将西方的现代极简美学画作结合东方山水墨画中的意境,透过现代的设计手法来打造宁波凤起潮鸣的景观空间。
Vision Understanding
       For such a project with an international perspective,we abandoned the conventional methods of composition and landscaping crafts, weproposed a brand-new design concept that fits the positioning of PhoenixMansion project – “remade | fusion”. The concept combines the artisticconception of western modern minimalist aesthetic painting with of the orientallandscape brush painting, it uses a modern design method to create thelandscape space of Phoenix Mansion.

Design Inspiration
      The design inspiration comes from the methods of“leaving blank space” in both western modern minimalist painting and orientallandscape brush painting. It uses the simple geometry with differentcombination of spatial scale, proportional relationship, hard and softlandscape, and color schemes to achieve a sense of overall balance. This kindof balance is in a dynamic state as the space is always interacting with peopleand users over time. With the uses of purest geometry in layout plan, thedesign combines both the soft and hard landscapes and convey a harmonious senseof space. This is the kind of space which attracts people to enter it, inspiresthe possibility of imagination, and makes people be a part of the harmony.

There are several aspects we would like to integratein the community life:
    First, accessibility to nature and be close to it,make people experience the time shifts and seasonal changes.
    Second, the feeling of art and the moment when peoplecan perceive the beauty from the surrounding environment. The open space of theproject is relatively homogeneous, there’s no large space for designers tobring into full play. The only space landscape can take advantage of is thecentral axis space, we used different forms of water features and artsculptures to create the feeling of a large-scape open space. With thecombination of Chinese artistic water features, mist, moon, we made the axissurrounded by spaces full of up and downs, elegancy, and serenity.
     Third, the space for imagination. We hope that part ofthe space can trigger the imagination of people and help them regain theirinner power.
      Fourth, we designed private recreational spacessurrounded by nature in the landscape nodes, as well as public social pocketparks that encourage community interaction. We hope we can maximize theconsciousness of the community through our design.

       关于凝聚社区意识,我们在架空层做了进一步的努力,架空层我们强调对服务功能的多样性以及与室外景观空间之间的互动,我们提出一个social hub的理念,让架空层成为一个社区交流的核心,利用架空层的独特特性来聚合鼓励社区的交流,鼓励人与人之间的互动。
Sense of Community
     Regarding maximizing a sense of community, we havemade further design efforts on the stilt floor. In order to emphasize thediversity of community services and interaction between outdoor landscapespaces, we proposed the concept of “social hub”. The concept converts the stiltfloor to a core of community communication. Using the unique structuralperformance of the stilts floor, our residents will be encouraged to take partin the community communication and interaction.

       在西方现代的项目开发中我们常常可以看到,这种混合开发提供高效便利的生活空间是非常受到人们欢迎的,因为这种多功能的混合开发即满足了生活上的便利以及效率,对于城市的核心区域来说也绝对是必要并且正向的。对于整个凤起潮鸣项目来说,她对宁波新城核心区域来说一定是开放的,她是以一个 “welcome”的姿态来面对这个城市,但同时间,在住宅围合内向的大区环境中,她又极大的展现出一种隐于城市中极度静溢的反差。这个反差首先是由景观来塑造的,我们住宅大区的内部的成熟乔木成数非常多,大量的绿化为空间的自然感受以及静溢提供了一个非常的基础,再加上设计的语汇采用去风格化的现代极简手法,让空间的永恒感以及自然感受来进一步提升住宅空间的静溢感受。
Care and Contribution to the City
      In mostof the modern development projects in the west, the mixed-use developmentprovides high-efficient urban space and living style which makes it so popular.Because the multi-functional mixed-use development satisfies the convenienceand efficiency of life, it is also necessary and active demanded by the urbancore area. The entire Phoenix Mansion project is open and faces the city with a“welcome” attitude. Meanwhile, it is also contrarily a very quiet space as ahidden gem in the city with the overall space introverted to the communitycenter. This contrast is shaped by the landscape. There are numbers of maturetrees inside our residential area, large greenery provides foundation for thefeeling of nature and serenity. In addition, the design vocabulary adopts themodern minimalist approach which improves the quiet, eternal, and naturalfeeling of residential space.

Detailed Design and Grinding
     The design quality is often reflected in the carving of details, although detailsare extremely important, they can still be overlooked. In the design process ofPhoenix Mansion project, we have shown our sincerity to the city and people ofNingbo everywhere, from the scale of space to the stairs and gutter. Everydetail indicates the association of “camellia”.

     The paving of fire lane and firefighting loading side take a large proportion ofthe entire space. We need to consider not only to weaken the impact of hardsurface but also to reflect the artistic interpretation in the overall designof pavement. As a result, we decided to continue the linear expression oflandscape. The composition of the pavement is inspired by the geometricabstract paintings of Dutch painter Mondrian, the simple lines provide a linearguide, the staggered lines visually weaken the sense of large-scale space. Theabstract camellia prints can be seen on each firefighting loading side,presenting a marvelous artistic work.

Water Features
       The two core groups in the community are based onwater features. Passing through the gate of the north lobby, people will seethe symmetrical rise of water features that welcome them, with gracefulbranches and rows of Chinese tallow trees on both sides, people can feel howseasons change with the landscapes. As the sight goes on, there is an artisticsculpture inspired by abstract shape of “camellia” near the end of the water.The texture of mirroring water surface and the champagne streamer also add thesense of ethereality to the scene.

In spring the river rises as high as the sea,
And with the river's rise the moon uprises bright.
She follows the rolling waves for ten thousand miles,
And where the river flows, there overflows her light.
       The design inspiration for the core waterscape on the south side comes from thefamous poetry of the Tang Dynasty - “A Moonlit Night on the Spring River”, ahuge mirroring water scroll with a length of 100 meters and width of 20 meters.The rhythm of the undulating tides, and the moon ring reflection perfectlypresent the beautiful picture of the bright moon and tides.

       经过与业主和雕塑公司多次沟通与探讨雕塑的落位,造型以及材质的选择,最终呈现在我们看到的五组艺术 品,他们都与凤起潮鸣有着千丝万缕的联系,无论是质感,又或是造型,更有甚者与景观的完美融合,都体现出了我们在细枝末节处对艺术的雕琢。
       After multiple times of communication and discussionwith the owner and the sculpture company, the placement, shape, and materialselection of the sculpture were finally presented in the five groups ofartworks. They are all linked with Phoenix Mansion theme, whether it istexture, shape, or the integration with the landscape, all of them reflect ourcarving of art in every detail.

     We abandoned the rich plant group hierarchy we used in the past, in the terms ofthe overall planting design, we emphasized relationships between shrub/groundcover layer and upper layer and lightened the middle layer to create a moreconcise and lively effect. In the early stage, we continued to explore andstudy the healing function of plants. In the selection of varieties, we choseAlbizia, crape myrtle and other trees based on both their ornamental andtherapeutic value. Arbors with these values are used in major space nodes andrecreation spaces between buildings. In order to match the luxury positioningof Phoenix Mansion, we have used Arhat pine, special cherry blossoms, clumpingtallow trees and other precious tree species, showing the nobility of the wholecommunity.



- 感谢 INTO景观设计中心 -


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